Fund Lifecycle

Globally, new funds can be created on the latest release according to the Dispatcher. Once created, funds can be migrated to the newest release. The global logic for these actions is located in the Dispatcher and additional release-level logic is located in the FundDeployer.

The FundDeployer operates as the top-level release contract, governing:

  • creation: how new funds are created on this release

  • migration: how funds on previous releases are upgraded to this release

  • reconfiguration: how funds on this release can change all release-level configuration (core settings, policies, and fees)

A new ComptrollerProxy is deployed and attached to the VaultProxy as its accessor via each of these actions. It stores core config options, and the config relative to extensions and their plugins are stored in those particular contracts by reference to the ComptrollerProxy. The ComptrollerProxy thus serves as the primary configuration object of a fund.

See "Architecture: Release" for more detail on these contracts.


In order to create a new fund, CallerA (any account) can call FundDeployer.createNewFund() and all components and configuration of the fund are created atomically. The steps taken by this function are:

  1. The FundDeployer deploys a new ComptrollerProxy instance, which sets the caller-provided core and extension config.

  2. FundDeployer calls to the Dispatcher to deploy a new VaultProxy with the CallerA-provided fundOwner and fundName (note that fundOwner does not need to be CallerA), along with the release's VaultLib and the newly-created ComptrollerProxy that will become the VaultProxy 's accessor.

  3. The FundDeployer sets the newly-deployed VaultProxy on the ComptrollerProxy and callsComptrollerProxy.activate() to perform the final setup logic and give extensions a final chance to validate and update state.

  4. The fund is now live on this release.


Migration to this release from a previous release

  1. MigratorA calls FundDeployer.createMigrationRequest() , which deploys a new ComptrollerProxy instance, setting the caller-provided core and extension config, and the VaultProxy that will be migrated.

  2. MigratorA waits for the migrationTimelock defined on the Dispatcher to pass.

  3. MigratorA calls FundDeployer.executeMigration() , which calls up to Dispatcher.executeMigration()

  4. The Dispatcher updates the VaultProxy 's VaultLib and assigns the newly-created ComptrollerProxy as its accessor .

  5. The FundDeployer calls ComptrollerProxy.activate() to give extensions a final chance to validate and update state.

  6. The fund is now live on this release.

Migration from this release to a new release

The Dispatcher invokes hooks at each stage of the migration that call down to the outbound FundDeployer , giving this release the chance to execute arbitrary code, reacting to the migration.

This release implements only the invokeMigrationOutHook that runs immediately prior to executing the migration. It:

  • pays the due protocol fee

  • pays out any fee shares outstanding

  • calls selfdestruct() on the ComptrollerProxy


A reconfiguration is very similar to a migration (on both a high and low level) in that a new ComptrollerProxy is created to replace the old ComptrollerProxy , within the same release. It can even be called an "intra-release migration."

The difference is mostly that rather than passing calls up to an authoritative Dispatcher, the FundDeployer itself stores a reconfigurationRequest and defines a localreconfigurationTimelock .

  1. MigratorA calls FundDeployer.createReconfigurationRequest() , which deploys a new ComptrollerProxy instance, setting the caller-provided core and extension config, and the VaultProxy that will be moved.

  2. MigratorA waits for the reconfigurationTimelock to pass.

  3. MigratorA calls FundDeployer.executeReconfiguration() , which assigns the newly-created ComptrollerProxy as its accessor .

  4. The FundDeployer deactivates the old ComptrollerProxy as described in "Migration from this release to a new release".

  5. The FundDeployer calls ComptrollerProxy.activate() to give extensions a final chance to validate and update state.

  6. The fund now has a new ComptrollerProxy with new configuration live on this release.

Last updated

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